What is it, why do you need it and how do you become GRITTY?
If you’re reading this there is likely a little bit inside of you that thinks you could do better.
That you could have maybe persevered a little bit more last time you tried and failed to achieve a goal.
Maybe it was a diet, maybe it was some sort of skill development, whatever it was, the going got tough and you decided that now wasn’t the right time for you to achieve your goal.
There was likely a bit of negative self-talk, a little bit of self-shame, and a lot of disappointment.
What you likely didn’t do is shift into grittiness.
What is grittiness?
Grittiness is being courageously persistent even when faced with challenge or adversity
To be gritty you need 3 key things
Let’s talk about each of them:
1. Faith
If you don’t believe in the method you are using it is going to be extremely hard to be gritty. The easiest way to believe in something is to see it with your own eyes, see it in action.
You can ask yourself Is this working for others?
Are others in the gym performing at a high level and in great shape?
If the answer is yes, then you can have FAITH that the method works.
But that’s only one part
2. Intentional Practice
Showing up is not enough, you have to show up intentionally, with a focus and you actually have to try.
It’s not enough to just tick a box, maybe once in a while, you will get away with it but if every day you’re just showing up, without actually truly trying then you likely won’t get as far as your truly dream of.
Working hard and believing in yourself is great, but there is a final bit of the puzzle.
3. Enjoyment of the process.
None of the two will be sustainable if you don’t enjoy it, you might not enjoy every second of it, not many people do, but you at least need to enjoy the people you are around, have some laughs, and look forward to your next session.
If not you’re wasting your time.
Once you can tick all 3 boxes then you can shift into grittiness. Without one, you will struggle and likely fail.
Renegade Fitness is more than just great workouts. We are on a mission to educate our community on the best training, nutrition, and mindset techniques around. Then we hold it all together with accountability.
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